Physiotherapists in Toronto

Healthfx Physiotherapy is conveniently located in Toronto just steps away from the Davisville subway station and is prepared to help you with any ailment. All of our Physiotherapists have over 10 years of experience and are highly skilled at what they do. There are many areas that physiotherapy treatment covers, including:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Rotator Cuff Tears
  • Back and Neck pain
  • Prescriptive Exercise as injury care and to improve health and fitness
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Overuse Injuries such as Tendonitis
  • Sciatica
  • Nerve Pain
  • Tension Headaches
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Hip Surgery
  • Pinched Nerve
  • Whiplash
  • knee surgery

A visit to a physiotherapy clinic does isn’t only for a sports injury or back pain, but is for to anyone who wants to improve their physical quality of life. You can benefit from physiotherapy at any time.

The Process

If physiotherapy is new to you, you can rest easy, as it is very similar to what you'd expect from a doctor's appointment. If this is your first visit to Healthfx Physiotherapy, our talented therapists will establish a history and gather information on whatever discomfort you are currently suffering from, and what the cause of it may be.

The physical exam will generally focus around your mobility, i.e., your range of motion and ability to perform the tasks presented to you. This can, at times, feel stressful. A repetitive motion on a sensitive area may be required to make a proper diagnosis.

After the exam the diagnosis and plan of action will be presented to you. In many cases we begin therapy immediately. But don’t be concerned if this is not the case. When you come in for your next appointment our work together will start.

Your physical therapist will always make a point to get to know you and your personal goals for recovery so that you are in control every step of the way.

Unique Treatments for Unique Patients

You'll never be a number to us. At Healthfx Physiotherapy, we understand that everyone has different needs when it comes to therapy and recovery. We are well-equipped to work towards your goals, scheduling issues and physical barriers.

If acupuncture is your best option for treatment but you can't stand needles, we are able to do laser treatment instead. If you can only receive treatment at your home, we can provide a combination of virtual care and in person care.

Very young patients can have difficulty adjusting to a physiotherapy environment. Our compassionate and experienced therapists help you explain to your child why they are here at our center. By building bonds between themselves and your family, the healing process can be simple and even fun.

Your road to recovery matters to us. There is no reason why anyone should suf-fer unnecessarily when help is readily available and help is exactly what we offer.

Concerned? It's Not Worth the Wait

If you are in Toronto and feel that you could benefit from physio-therapy treatment, it is better to start as soon as possible for the best recovery.

There is never any need to put up with excessive back pain, or simply accept that arthritis is a part of your life now. Make an appointment at our physical re-habilitation center and let us get you on the road to recovery!