Physiotherapy: 30+ years experience

Orthopedic Physical Therapy is a science-based profession that focuses on your well-being as a whole so that you can level a healthier and more independent lifestyle.

Whether it is physiotherapy for back pain, a sports injury, or keeping moving well throughout the aging process, Healthfx Physiotherapy's rehabilitation center provides a much-needed service for treating all those aches and pains that affect your day-to-day activities.

Combining their knowledge of the human body and how it works, along with the clinical skills they acquire through their education, physiotherapists assess, diagnose and treat the symptoms presented by their clients, including illnesses, injuries, or disabilities. The best Physical Therapists are experienced, detailed, focused and meticulous in the way they work. On the sidelines for the Toronto Raptors and attending four Olympic Games as Physical Therapist with Canada Basketball is where we draw much of our experiences over the past 30 years.

Why Us

We have a 90 percent retention rate of clients! Although most individuals come to us with a physical ailment, they leave Healthfx Physiotherapy with an understanding of how to care for themselves and how to prepare their body for whatever their personal goals are in life.

Scientific Approach

Our practitioners use their knowledge in the medical and health sciences to assess, interpret findings, and provide a physiotherapy diagnosis. We understand injury, disease and we understand aging, and the physiological processes involved in these states. We study pathology, inflammation, and the disease process as well as the biomechnaics and anatomy of human movement.


Over 30 years of thoughtful practice, Healthfx Physiotherapy only hires experienced practitioners who are dedicated to their work and are compassionate caring individuals. Our expertise and understanding of the human body, along with our attention to detail and focus on prevention of disease and injury is what we strive to bring to you.

Health Sciences and Sports Sciences

Combining the medical health sciences and sport health sciences is how we bridge the gap between human movement, biomechanics, and the injury and aging processes. Our physical therapists are duel trained in both Physiotherapy and in Kinesiology, in both the health and sport sciences just for this reason.

Active Recovery

More people today are interested in achieving a higher level of health and fitness and are interested in the prevention of disease and injury and getting to the source of problems rather than fixing an existing injury. While physiotherapy is normally performed on a hands-on physical level, when working to maintain a high level of function and activity, the process is a little different. Therapists with a background in exercise physiology also help you with your fitness. This involves coaching to reduce pain when being active, improve the efficiency of exercise routines, and educating clients on the best way to carry out daily tasks and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Whole-Body Help

If you are looking for a quick fix or temporary relief for pain symptoms—expand your goals! Physiotherapy can offer so much more. With our Gold Mindset approach, Healthfx Physiotherapy can offer our clients permanent wellness. As we age, humans take on pains, and in the fast-paced world we live in, recovery can go by the wayside. Too many of us learn to live with that small headache or nagging lower back pain—but you don't have to. Taking a personalized approach to therapy, we are able to keep your whole system happy and healthy. Recovery from surgery will be easier—you can get rid of headaches and back pain for good and remain active through your entire life.

Let us assist you on your road to recovery

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